All Catholic schools of the Diocese of Lafayette are educational institutions under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Bishop of Lafayette and as such are bound by the general law, the church, and all diocesan regulations and policies. The pastor or appointed chancellor is the responsible authority for the local school. The local advisory council serves to advise the pastor/chancellor and operates within the parameters of the policies approved by the Bishop.
The Advisory Council is to provide expertise and advice to the local pastor/chancellor in accordance with the Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church, the Synodal Law of the Diocese of Lafayette, and the Regulations and Policies for Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Lafayette.
The primary functions of the Advisory Council are to develop a budget to provide for the school's financial and physical well-being and growth; to implement a development program incorporating a long-range plan, including active, positive public relations and marketing of the school; and to formulate broad policies for the school. The council will assist in the selection of a new principal as set forth in diocesan guidelines, and it may periodically evaluate the principal's relationship to the council as its chief executive officer. The council will evaluate its own effectiveness annually.
The Council consists of eight lay members. Four members shall be parents of children at the school and four members shall be parishioners selected by the pastor/chancellor. The principal of the school, the pastor/chancellor of the school, and the president of the Parent's Club shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the council. The Council meets at least quarterly and no more frequently than once a month.
2024-2025 Advisory Council Members
Chairperson - Katie Heard
Vice-Chairperson - Andre LeBlanc
Secretary - John Weaver
Emily Babineaux
Kip Stelly
Katie Sanford
Chris Pontiff
Gretchen Milligan
Ex-Officio Members:
Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc
Mrs. Angela Isaacs
Mrs. Lauren Swan