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Mission Statement

Our Lady of Fatima School is centered in Christ,

committed to learning, and

called to build character in a Catholic environment.

The Fatima Philosophy of Christian Education

We profess a belief in Jesus Christ, the Savior.  We believe that the Church, as the Body of Christ on earth, has a mission to witness to the Christian message, in particular to its youth.  The Catholic school is unique in that it has accepted this responsibility by providing academic excellence and an environment which acknowledges Christ as the core of human existence.  Catholic education at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School is dedicated to the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, and social development of each student.  This development is grounded in the love nurtured in the home and sustained in the school.  With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the care and love of Mary, our Mother, we embrace the challenge of developing the total child - a child who integrates his faith with his life and whose strong self-concept enables him to proclaim the Good News as he shares his gifts responsibly in love and service to the community.



1. The moral character of the administration, teachers, and students should display a love for Jesus Christ in daily actions, attitudes, and speech, both on and off campus. 
2. The Catholic faith is taught across the curriculum revealing Christ throughout instructional teaching, opportunities to serve, meaningful prayer, and most importantly, the celebration of the Eucharist. 
3. A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning and fosters positive relationships and respect throughout the school. 
4. Students need to demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills and apply their learning in meaningful and creative context while being actively involved in solving problems and producing quality work. 
5. Curriculum and instructional practices, in accordance with state and national standards, should incorporate a variety of learning activities to accommodate differences in learning styles. 
6. Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs. 
7. Character development is taught through modeling and instruction in order to enhance faith and moral behavior in students’ daily lives. 
8. Recognizing that all students are able to succeed, special services and resources are provided to exceptional students. 
9. Developing an awareness of diverse cultures can increase students’ understanding and acceptance of others. 
10. Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community share the responsibility for advancing the continuous improvement of our school’s mission to enable students to become spiritual, moral, confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.