In the ongoing pursuit of being a parish with vitality and vision, parish leaders have been working this past year to create a dynamic pastoral strategic vision and proactively address all areas of ministry and growth.
In partnership with our process facilitator, Bernard Dumond of Catholic Vitality 360, a steering committee of clergy, administration, faculty, parishioners and community members gathered key data, listened to stakeholders, and offered key solutions to the most pressing challenges facing the parish. Listening sessions were held for over 100 parents and parishioners. Next, the Vitality Teams were put in place in the areas of Faith Formation/Education, Finance, Liturgy and Worship, Ministry and Discipleship, Communication and Marketing and Facilities. The teams worked to set goals for each area. The goals were voted on and prioritized at the Summit in January 2022. Currently, the parish and school are in the Implementation Phase of the process, which is based on months of the teams sharing their goals and strategies for the parish. See the final report below for more details.
Thank you to all of those who have worked so hard on this process. The fruits of your labor will benefit many now and in the future. For more information about how to become involved with this ongoing process please contact Angela Schoeffler or Caroline White at 337-235-2464.