Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School offers many opportunities for meaningful involvement for students.
Student Council
Students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade are eligible to become members of the Student Council at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School. Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average and an A in conduct. Each homeroom class elects a representative who serves for the school year. Eighth grade students who have served at least one year in student council are eligible to run for an officer position. Meetings are held approximately every two weeks and as needed. Student Council members participate in Bingo, Life Choices Week, Fall Fest, Food Drives, Grandparents Day, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Field Day, 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony, and at anytime their help is requested.
Math Counts
The Math Club is open to all junior high students who enjoy math problem solving and puzzles. As a Math Club member, students have the opportunity to compete in different math tournaments. We are usually invited to compete in 1 - 3 math competitions during the year. Most competitions are held on Saturdays. To prepare for these competitions, we practice approximately twice a month on Friday after school for 1 hour.
Quiz Bowl
Junior High Quiz Bowl is an academic competition featuring teams of 6th, 7th, & 8th graders who compete to answer challenging questions in matches sponsored by Junior Beta Club and individual schools throughout the district. Fatima's Quiz Bowl team is comprised of students who qualify for the team based on their performance on formidable aptitude examinations given at the beginning of each academic year. The team practices once weekly and competes in virtual or in-person tournaments monthly. The team also competes at the statewide Beta Convention in an effort to qualify for the national competition. Fatima's Junior Quiz Bowl team perennially distinguishes itself at local, statewide, and national levels.
4-H Club
4-H Club is open to all students in grades 4-8. Interested members pay $10 to join the club. Each student receives a project book to complete (optional). Project books include activities related to crafts, outdoor skills, science projects, etc.
Our monthly meetings are held on Mondays of each month at 3:00. Several times a year, we invite guest speakers from the community to come and share information with the students on topics related to health and community help.
Students may participate in many activities and competitions outside of school. Some activities include sporting clay shooting, sewing contests, cooking contests, public speaking presentations, livestock showing, pet showing, etc.
Our school club participates in the fall school-wide canned food drive and conduct a "pop tab" collection to help raise money for The Ronald McDonald House. We also conduct several service projects throughout the year such as making cards for community members and collecting donations for organizations that support vulnerable populations in Lafayette.
Club members have an opportunity to attend summer camp for a week. Older Junior High students are given the opportunity fo participate in leadership development programs at the 4-H Parish level.
Jr. Beta Club
The Junior Beta Club at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School is a service organization that recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, exemplify worthy character, and maintain a commendable attitude. Students must maintain a 3.5 GPA and earn an A in conduct. Throughout the year our club reaches out to those in need. Whether it is as simple as helping teachers in the classrooms or as huge as hosting a week-long food drive for St. Joseph's Diner, Beta Club will provide the services to get the job done successfully. Club meetings are generally held once a month. If competitions are your strong point, then Beta Club is the club for you. We have up to two competitions that our club attends every year. We attend State Convention, which is at the Cajundome, and even National Convention, which is in a different state every year. Beta Club's four pillars are achievement, character, leadership, and service, and at Our Lady of Fatima School, we excel at all of them.
Technology Club (Grades 6-8)
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School is very excited to be a part of the UL CAPE Satellite Program. This project is a result of a grant UL received from NASA. Our students will research, design, and develop an experiment to be conducted using an Arduino board all under the guidance of the UL CAPE team. This board will be launched on a low earth orbiting satellite along with other experiments designed by other schools in Lafayette. Results of our experiment will be sent back to the students here on our campus. We are proud to be part of this three-year long experiment.