Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School is blessed to be able to provide an excellent education; however, our school counts on funding sources beyond tuition to support our school and programs. Gifts help fill the gap between tuition and what it actually costs to educate a student at OLF. Our school provides a great return on your investment by educating, challenging and inspiring our students to be life-long learners and instilling in them a sense of service to their community. Investing in our students today through a multi-faceted, challenging curriculum, innovative teaching and technology, and exceptional enrichment activities means we are paving the way for tomorrow's leaders.
We are grateful for the many parents, grandparents, alumni, parishioners, faculty/staff and friends who make it possible for us to sustain our mission and carry it forward for future generations. Supporting Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School through the Blue and Gold Campaign, Little Lagniappe, Parents' Club events and other programs ensures the school will continue to deliver its promise to our students for years to come.
In order to succeed, we invite alumni, parents (current and past), grandparents and friends to contribute in any way. Every donation makes a difference. Your gift, large or small, helps keep OLF the fine school it is and helps us to advance our mission. We thank you in advance for your support and generosity.