Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School is thrilled to offer Donating Online. Over the last 65 plus years OLF has accomplished many feats and will continue to strive with your help. Gifts to the school go directly to our school and the students we serve. With your gracious donation you can help continue the vitality of our great institution.
Blue and Gold Campaign
Keeping our Students Up to Speed!
Fatima School is blessed with generous donors and supporters who have ensured that the students have the latest and greatest technology available to them. Technology is ever changing and we are committed to staying current and efficient. Technology infrastructure upgrades are needed to help our students and teachers use all of the devices that are currently on our campus.
Endowment- A Gift that Lasts a Lifetime!
Giving a gift to the endowment is a gift that touches all students now and in the future. The Foundation's purpose for the endowment is to ensure Our Lady of Fatima School will and can educate students for another 75 years.